
Management Accounting and Financial Management have always been my favourite modules. Both are very practical subjects where every new scenario challenges your problem-solving skills. The only thing I like more than ManAcc itself is teaching it. Whenever that lightbulb goes on in a student, I get goosebumps. I’ve been teaching Management Accounting for nearly a decade at various universities and all levels, and my interest in the subject has not faded. I’ve also been preparing annual financial statements since I did my articles, where a sound knowledge of IFRS is required.
My journey to becoming a CA(SA) was nearly derailed when I wanted to quit halfway through my articles. Looking back, not giving up was the best thing I ever did. Being a CA(SA) really opened doors for me, and allowed me to pursue other interests (like doing the Cape to Cairo on a bike and test-driving fast cars for magazines) while still being able to make a good living. It is a long and hard journey, but it really is worth the ‘pain and suffering’.

Keith Jordaan is a Chartered Accountant CA(SA) with both a BCom Computer Science degree (cum laude) as well as an MCom degree in Taxation awarded by RAU/UJ. He is the founding author and former managing author of the highly regarded tax textbook – Silke – Notes on South African Income Tax – a reference source used by students on a national basis and extensively quoted from by judges in Tax Court cases.
Keith Jordaan is also a former Professor in Taxation, head of the Taxation Department of UJ (formerly RAU), former Dean of Revenue Faculty (SARS Academy), and head of the postgraduate Master’s Taxation Programme of UJ and North-West University (formerly Potchefstroom University). He has twenty-six years of academic/teaching experience and lectured at various SAICA-accredited universities at the PGDA/CTA level. He is also the former HOD of the Accounting Department of the South African campus of Monash University Australia –a university with a rating as one of the global top 100 universities.
Keith has extensive practical tax experience. He acted as the National Technical Tax Director for BDO South Africa. In this position, he assisted the BDO client base in complicated or high-value tax matters after merging his tax practice with BDO. Keith presented clients with various tax objections or appeal procedures. He has a 100% success rate in these representations, including matters in the Tax Court. Besides the solid practical involvement with tax matters, his networking infrastructure relating to training is impressive. Keith has, since 1999, trained more than 4000 SARS officials on levels ranging from basic taxation to the master’s degree level of taxation.
Keith acted as the head of the biggest MCom Tax programme in the country with broad participation by revenue officials on a national basis. He also acted as an external examiner for SAICA, and a member of the external Accreditation Review Board and contributor to the question-pool of the PAAB and SAICA ITC/ final qualifying examinations.

Yvonne is one of the founders of Tabaldi, and our teaching methods and student support approach speak very much to her pioneering passion for lecturing so that you lecture the WHOLE student, not just the academic material.
Yvonne has been a lecturer for more than ten years and is incredibly passionate about giving students what they need to get through their studies. She’s taught both Auditing and Financial Accounting face-to-face and online (at undergrad and CTA level), mainly for UNISA students.
Yvonne studied her undergrad and CTA at UNISA as a part-time student, so she really understands the challenges of UNISA students and their needs. She served articles after passing CTA and started lecturing part-time that same year. She moved to full-time auditing lecturing after qualifying as a Chartered Accountant. Yvonne also pursues her own business interests and has her own blog.

Claudia’s love for both teaching and financial accounting have kept her in the world of academia since her second year as an undergraduate student. She started off as an accounting tutor, did academic articles and ultimately landed up back in the classroom as a lecturer. She has lectured cost accounting, corporate finance and financial accounting at both an undergraduate and postgraduate level for almost ten years. It is no secret though, IFRS is her first love.
Claudia has also spent numerous years in practice as an IFRS specialist and advisor working on a broad range of listed and unlisted clients across multiple industries and sectors. She continues to consult as an IFRS advisor and is currently completing her Masters in International Accounting.
As a lecturer Claudia loves sharing her practical experience to bring relevance and life to the subject matter, not to mention that knowledge when shared multiplies! She also is a firm believer that even the most complex transactions and principles can be presented simply, and this is something that remains paramount to her teaching style.

Andre Hamel is a Chartered Accountant who qualified at RAU/UJ. He served as a member of the SAICA Standards Committee for 3 years as the academic representative. He acted as an examiner for SAICA for 10 years and set questions for the SAICA final examinations. He also served as the auditing external moderator for a number of South African Universities. He was involved with a number of audit textbooks and is currently Co-editor of Auditing Fundamentals – Graded Questions.
Andre lectured at Unisa for 18 years and for most of this time was the subject leader of the CTA auditing course. During this time, he was also involved as a part-time contract lecturer for auditing at Forbes Lever Baker, Varsity college and Boston City Campus. He is currently involved in teaching CTA auditing at UWC.
Andre enjoys interacting with students and the challenge to make auditing easier to grasp and understand. That is why he loves teaching auditing. He believes a lecturer can make a huge positive impact (academically and otherwise) in a student’s life which he finds extremely rewarding. What better job can there be than to help students achieve their goals and dreams?

Richard is one of the founders of Tabaldi Education. Among his many achievements and business adventures, he is an accomplished lecturer, specialising in IFRS and IAS at both university and professional level, lecturing to both university students and professionals worldwide.
Richard has spent most of his life studying while working, and completely understands what students go through when it comes to part-time and distance learning. Richard is a qualified Chartered Accountant and has a Master’s Degree in Accounting from the University of Pretoria. He completed his undergraduate BCompt, as well as his CTA through UNISA as a part-time student.

Felicia Gaie Booysen is a South African Chartered Accountant and an experienced lecturer in financial accounting. She was a lecturer at the University of South Africa, teaching post-graduate financial accounting students. She is also the author of two academic textbooks on International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS).
Apart from her teaching responsibilities at the university, she also presented financial accounting classes to the trainees of the Auditor General in South Africa, and was involved in a special project of the South African Institute of Chartered Accounts (SAICA) that provided additional tuition to learners that were selected for the Thuthuka Education Upliftment Fund.
Before joining the academic fraternity, Felicia worked at a major financial institution in South Africa where she gained financial reporting experience in pension funds. In addition to her many years of financial accounting and IFRS experience, she also worked as a corporate tax consultant at KPMG. Felicia obtained her Master’s degree in Accounting Sciences (cum laude) from the University of South Africa.

Faatima is a CA(SA) who has many successful and interesting years working in the profession, both in South Africa and overseas, in specialised areas of financial accounting and auditing. She made the move to academics to pursue her passion for developing others.
She has always had an interest in the development of others and was involved in tutoring and training even before she qualified as a Chartered Accountant, and continued teaching after she qualified. She moved to full-time lecturing a few years ago and obtained a Master’s in Accounting in the process.

My passion, the reason I get out of bed in the morning, is the belief that I can make a difference to people’s lives by helping them to find their own best way through their obstacles – academic and life – to be the best version of themselves that they can possibly be. I have been in the profession for over 20 years now – and every day I love it more. I hope to bring love and respect for Accounting and Auditing out for you too – if you love what you do, you will never work a day in your life.
On my own journey to CA(SA), I really took the long way around. I studied my undergrad degree part-time, while working, and did my bridging and CTA through correspondence, all while being a manager at work and raising two children and managing a home. It was lonely, and it was rough, but it was mine, it was worth it, and it was proof that perseverance and self-belief WILL get you to your goals.

KC has years of experience as a technical IFRS and IAS expert, was previously a technical partner at RSM South Africa, and subsequently completed multiple independent IFRS and technical engagements for a global body of clients. At RSM he was responsible for keeping professional staff up to date with IFRS developments through training and was also the go-to person within the firm for IFRS-related issues such as technical reviews. His entrepreneurial exploits, including running his own technical consultancy, led him to be recognised as one of the top 35 under the age of 35 accountants by the South African Institute of Chartered Accountants in 2015.

Tammy is a mathematics teacher and lecturer. After completing her BEd degree in Mathematics and Psychology at the University of Johannesburg, she went on to do her Honours in Adult and Higher Education, with additional non-degree Honours courses in Set Theory and Abstract Algebra. Although her degrees focused primarily on education and pure mathematics, she landed a junior lecturing post at the University of Johannesburg teaching a subject called Mathematical Applications for Economics and Business. Financial mathematics and statistics soon became her passion, as she moved from tertiary to secondary education and taught high school advanced programme mathematics in these fields.
Tammy regards herself as a “non-mathematical mathematician”. Her schooling career was paved with struggles in maths because the subject did not come naturally to her. She believes that her journey has equipped her to relate to students’ fears when it comes to working with numbers. She is passionate about sharing the tools that not only helped her to love and understand the world of maths, but which she has refined over the years of mentoring students with varying needs.

Rudy is a young and very energetic CA(SA) who qualified through the Tabaldi process. His passion for investing back into upcoming students and prospective CAs is contagious, and because of his journey and experience, contributes valuable insight into the minds and struggles of students when preparing lecture material for our courses. His greatest passion in life is to arm individuals with the tools to strengthen their knowledge and guide them along the path to success.
He did his undergraduate studies at a resident university and subsequently pursued CTA through UNISA while working full time