Financial Accounting for Companies – FAC2601
We cover the full syllabus for FAC2601 with video lectures, explaining everything you need to know about FAC2601. We explain the syllabus simply, so you’ll be able to apply it to any situation.
Our classroom is set up in the same order as your study guide, making it easy to work through the whole syllabus. Our exam course videos walk you through two past exams, showing you how to read, plan and answer your questions.
In FAC2601, we continue on our journey from first year Accounting. However, this is where it gets exciting.
This module uses the knowledge we’ve gained from FAC1502 as it builds onto sections such as Property, Plant and Equipment, Inventory and the Annual Financial Statements as a whole. But first we do catch up with a refresher, in case some of the knowledge has slipped your mind from first year!
This module is a bit more technical compared to FAC1502, but our videos help you navigate through the detail of the work by simplifying those tricky concepts and showing you how it all translates to an exam scenario.
The exam course videos will go through past questions and show you the process to follow to answer the questions and teach you the exam technique you need.
Your lecturer will be available on the discussion forum to help you with your queries, motivate you, and keep an eye on you when you fall behind!
- Introduction to Company Financial Statements
- Share Transactions
- The Framework of Accounting
- Presentation of Financial Statements (IAS 1)
- Statement of Profit or Loss and Other Comprehensive Income, Statement of Changes in Equity and Relevant Notes.
- Statement of Financial Position and Relevant Notes.
- Inventory (IAS 2)
- Property, Plant and Equipment (IAS 16)
- Investment Property (IAS 40)
- Financial Calculator Tutorials
- Leases (IFRS 16)
- Financial Instruments (IFRS 9 and IAS 32)
- Revenue from Contracts with Customers (IFRS 15)