The most important thing you should be doing in CTA or PGDA is practicing questions under exam conditions. You’ve done all the theory before. Our Management Accounting CTA (and PGDA) content library consist of most of the topics covered in the UNISA TAX4861 and TAX4862 modules so you can watch the topics you need to revise if necessary.

We’ll be hosting live sessions from time-to-time where we’ll cover study approach, exam technique and tips on how to score more marks with the knowledge you already have.

You also get access to lecturer support via direct email if you need it. If you have any questions, email us at 

The topics in this course is not necessarily presented in the same order as UNISA’s 2025 syllabus. The content will be relevant to most SAICA-accredited CTA and PGDA courses. PLEASE TAKE NOTE that it is very important that you start practicing your tutorial questions from your institution under exam conditions from as early as possible. The theory in this course should only be used to revise the principles that you really didn’t understand in your undergrad studies.

The video lectures in this course were designed to save you time so that you can get to those practice questions! For a list of the topics included in this course, see below:

Interpretation and application of legislation
Donations Tax
Value-Added Tax (VAT)
Gross income, special inclusions and exempt income
Residence, source rules, non-residents (including withholding taxes) and double tax agreements (DTAs)
Capital gains tax (CGT)
General deduction formula (section 11(a) read with section 23), special deductions and assessed losses
Capital allowances and recoupments
Trading stock (including share transaction (section 9C))
Interest-bearing instruments, foreign exchange differences, transfer pricing and tax morality, strategy and risk management
Employee benefits
Retirement benefits
Employees’ tax and provisional tax
Deceased estates and estate duty
Tax Administration Act
Companies and close corporations and corporate rules
Dividends tax, acquisition and disposal of shares and foreign income
Tax avoidance
Tax advice, planning and ethics