CTA bundle - content librarIES

The most important thing you should be doing in CTA or PGDA is practicing questions under exam conditions. You’ve done all the theory before. Our CTA content library bundle consist of most of the topics covered in the four (or five) core UNISA modules for CTA Level 2 (or Level 1) so you can watch the topics you need to revise if necessary.

We’ll be hosting live sessions from time-to-time where we’ll cover study approach, exam technique and tips on how to score more marks with the knowledge you already have.

You also get access to lecturer support via direct email if you need it. If you have any questions, email us at info@tabadi.org 

Our team at Tabaldi has built online courses and programmes with your biggest challenges in mind, in order to ensure that you get the maximum support that will get you through your exams successfully. We offer stand-alone content courses and programmes that cover the content for all 4 CTA subjects, as well as stand-alone exam revision courses and exam revision course bundles for all 4 accounting subjects.

Time is probably the biggest challenge for most students. You need to work through the content, revise some topics where you struggle, do questions and work on exam technique, all within a very short time frame. We’ve designed every part of our courses to save you time while giving you everything you need.

To learn more about the four modules included in the bundle, click on the icons below: